
You've come to the right place for up to date information about internship, volunteer and job opportunities, as well as college application and scholarship deadlines, field trips, and events happening on campus. You'll also find posts on how to be as successful as possible when planning for your future!

At the bottom of this page you will find a google calendar with information about events, application deadlines, and program information. I find it easiest to navigate the calendar in "agenda" view, which you can switch it to by clicking the "agenda" tab in the upper right hand corner of the calendar.

In addition to the blog, we frequently send out emails with information that is then posted on the blog. Whether your a student, parents, or community member please feel free to join the list serve! You can do this by emailing me the message "add to list serve": macdanme@hsd401.org.

If you have any questions or need any support please stop into the LTI Office or College and Career Center, send an email, or call.

Megan Demeroutis
Internship Coordinator
(206) 631-7733

Bonnie Lathram
College and Career Coordinator
(206) 631-7738

Highline Big Picture High School
440 S. 186th St.
Burien, WA 98148
Main Office: (206) 631-7700

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

RecTech Summer Program: Application due May 31st

*Application for all other programs can be found  here: Due May 31st 
Summer 2012 RecTech Internship Programs
Applications Due May 31st
Youth Media Corps: Creating Film, Audio, & Visual Media @ Delridge Community Center, 4501 Delridge Way SW, Seattle, 98106
July 2 – August 24 (no class July 4); Monday – Thursday, 1:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Join the Youth Media Corps Interns and gain valuable digital media technical skills while learning about your community and having fun in the process!  Youth Media Corps interns work with program staff and partner organizations to create original media materials for area nonprofits and community development organizations.  You will learn the craft of digital, audio, and visual storytelling to help serve organizations who contribute to a socially responsible world.
Filmmaking and digital design @ Garfield Community Center 2323 East Cherry St, 98122  
July 2 – August 24 (no class July 4); Monday – Thursday, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
This summer’s RecTech Interns will create short films to inform people about an issue relevant to you and your community. We're looking for dedicated and enthusiastic youth who want to learn to about technology and filmmaking and have an interest in community involvement.
Sampling History: Hip-Hop Music Production @ Rainier Community Center, 4600 38th Ave South, Seattle, 98118
July 2 – August 24 (no class July 4); Monday – Thursday, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Hip-Hop has roots in many different genres of music including, Classical, Jazz, Reggae, Soul, and Blues and is often an amalgamation of multiple sounds and “samples” collected from sonic works of the past. Interns in this course we will learn about the roots of sample-based production, walk through the process of beat-making, and piece together original compositions.  Write, produce, and perform your own original works while learning the history and importance of Black and African-American music. 
Web Design and Your Community @ South Park Community Center, 8319 8th Ave South, Seattle, 98108
July 2 – August 24 (no class July 4); Monday – Thursday, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Do you want to work on websites? Did you know that you can make a career doing it? Communicate your ideas 
across the globe! In this program you will learn web design, graphic design, HTML and interactive animations. You will have the opportunity to work with professional programs such as Photoshop for image editing, Dreamweaver for web page creation, Illustrator for logos and buttons and Flash for animation. Then put your new skills to use working on a website for a local nonprofit or building a site for an issue you feel passionate about.  
Digital Animation & Adobe Flash @ Southwest Teen Life Center, 2801 SW Thistle St, Seattle, 98126
July 3 – August 24  (no class July 4th); Tuesday – Friday, 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Adobe Flash is all over the web.  Even if you don’t know what it is, chances are you’ve seen and used it! From pausing videos to playing a game, almost everything interactive is made with Flash. Whether you want to create your own online game or a presentation that makes PowerPoint seem dull, Flash will help you create a fully interactive experience. RecTech winter interns will learn to create digital animation, add interactive buttons, and use advanced programming options for other interactive features, all using Adobe Flash. We will then create an application that informs and educates, either about technology skills or for a nonprofit organization serving the Southwest Seattle community

Please send or drop off completed applications to:
Associated Recreation Council
Attn: Michelle Chambers
8061 Densmore Ave N
Seattle, WA 98103
Completed AND SIGNED applications can also be sent via email to michelle.chambers@seattle.gov
Thanks again for your interest in the RecTech Student Internship.  We look forward to receiving your application!

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