
You've come to the right place for up to date information about internship, volunteer and job opportunities, as well as college application and scholarship deadlines, field trips, and events happening on campus. You'll also find posts on how to be as successful as possible when planning for your future!

At the bottom of this page you will find a google calendar with information about events, application deadlines, and program information. I find it easiest to navigate the calendar in "agenda" view, which you can switch it to by clicking the "agenda" tab in the upper right hand corner of the calendar.

In addition to the blog, we frequently send out emails with information that is then posted on the blog. Whether your a student, parents, or community member please feel free to join the list serve! You can do this by emailing me the message "add to list serve": macdanme@hsd401.org.

If you have any questions or need any support please stop into the LTI Office or College and Career Center, send an email, or call.

Megan Demeroutis
Internship Coordinator
(206) 631-7733

Bonnie Lathram
College and Career Coordinator
(206) 631-7738

Highline Big Picture High School
440 S. 186th St.
Burien, WA 98148
Main Office: (206) 631-7700

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Seattle Aquarium Volunteer Training Deadline!

Time is running out! If you are interested in volunteering at the Seattle Aquarium over the course of this school year, you must attend the on-site orientation Sunday, October 3rd. From 3-4 pm. If you have any questions call Dave, Volunteer Coordinator: (206) 386-4351.

If you have missed the orientation for the school year volunteer program, there will be an opportunity to be involved in a summer volunteer program at the Seattle Aquarium. If you are interesed please sign up in the College and Career Center to receive more information as it arrives.


Hey College Go'ers!


A friend just sent me a link to this scholarship website through the College Success Foundation. Some of the deadlines are outdated, but it's a good place to start. If you find a scholarship that you are interested in, google it, double check the deadline, and APPLY!!

Another GREAT scholarship search engine is http://TheWashBoard.org. Here you will find scholarships specific to Washington State, which decreases the applicant pool (in comparison to national scholarships) and increases your chances of being selected to receive money.


If you'd like any help with your application or essay come see me - I'd be happy to help edit or answer any questions.

- Mrs. D

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Visitor: Youth Health Service Coprs


Tomorrow, Holly from the Youth Health Service Corps will be coming in to talk about an amazing opportunity for students who are interested in health service careers. Learn how to get involved in this training and volunteer program. This is an awesome opportunity to gain professional experience with potential to build a culminating project!

Come sign up in the College and Career Center!

Friday, September 24, 2010


There is a construction career fair on October 7th in Seattle that I would like to take a group of students to. I need a head count by the end of the day on Monday, so that I can arrange for transportation in time. If you are interested, please send me an email letting me know ASAP: macdanme@hsd401.org

The event is free. Details for this event can be found at: http://constructionfoundation.org/FoundationHome/ConstructionCareerDayInfo/

Please pass this information along to any one else you think might be interested.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Free SAT prep class

If you are thinking about applying to a college that requires SAT scores, I would highly recommend taking advantage of this opportunity....

FREE SAT PREP CLASS at the Burien Library!

Need help with the SAT? Want to improve your score?

Five FREE sessions at the Burien Library will help you prepare for the SAT. You will receive a copy of the College Board's Official SAT Study Guide and information about the library's resources that can help you the with SAT.

To register call: (206) 243-3490

You must be able to attend all five sessions:

1) Oct 2nd, 2:00-5:00 - Test overview, grammar review and multiple choice writing section, arithmetic

2) Oct. 9th, 2:00-5:00 - Sentence completion, essay, algebra

3) Oct. 16th, 2:00-5:00 - Reading comprehension, geometry

4) Oct. 23rd, 1:00-5:00 - Practice Exam!

5) Oct. 30, 2:00-5:00 - Review of practice exam

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Volunteer Opportunities = Great Culminating Projects

Volunteer Opportunities for Everyone!!

If you are interested in...

Marine Biology: Seattle Aquarium (see earlier post)
Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology: Pacific Science Center
Working with animals: Companion Animal Medical Center / Burien Animal Care and Control (more information below)
Medical Field: Youth Health Service Corps (see information below)
Working with children/education: elementary or middle school after school program (keep checking back for more information or call some schools your self!)
Art/Graphic Design: Seaherst Elementary School is looking for someone to creat their yearbook

Youth Health Service Corps:

YHSC is a program that works with high school students providing them with service learning opportunities within the health field. Students in the YHSC learn significant life skills for the professional world, such as cultural relativity. They also learn useful hands-on skills within the health profession field, such as taking blood pressure. They will implement these skills by completing 50 hours of community service in a local health facility. Students are given opportunities to connect with health professionals and other students across America and western Washington interested in health professions, while gaining valuable experience that will strengthen their resumes.

Youth Health Service Corps will be visiting the College and Career Center on Friday, October 1st. Come sign up to attend if you are interested in learning more!

Companion Animal Medical Center / Burien Animal Care and Control:

Is looking for responsible students who would be interested in volunteering at the center to provide basic feeding, walking and cage cleaning care for cats and dogs (and play time too). We would greatly appreciate getting their help. A group could work in pairs and commit to 1-2 afternoons a week each pair, for a month to start, and longer if the interest remains. We would keep a time log sheet for each student to become their personal record. We could also use help on Saturday morning or Sunday morning if that time frame was preferred. Since the majority of animals in at the center right now were collected as part of BACC, the community service would reflect care for Burien's stray animal needs.

Companion Animal Medical Center / Burien Animal Care and Control is open Mon., Wed. - Fri. 9-6. On Sat. it is open 9-1. Of course animal care is twice a day, 7 days a week, so times on closed days could be arranged.

Interested students should call the center at 206-878-0405. It is located at 19655 1st Ave S., Normandy Park.

Hey Seniors: It's time to get going on your culminating project!! ....and yes, you still have to do it even though there isn't advisory. On October 13th we will be having an assembly for seniors with information about the culminating project. You'll have a chance to ask questions and sort out the details. For now - if you don't already have a plan - it's time to start brainstorming!

Keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities that are on going over the course of the school year- this is a good way to develop a meaningful project that could potentially have a major impact on our community!

If you are interested in...

Marine Biology: Seattle Aquarium (see earlier post)
Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology: Pacific Science Center (see earlier post)
Working with animals: Companion Animal Medical Center / Burien Animal Care and Control (see above)
Medical Field: Youth Health Service Corps (see above)
Working with children/education: After school program at Sylvester (see me for more information)
Art/Graphic Design: Seaherst Elementary School is looking for someone to creat their yearbook (see me for more information)

Work Credits

Do you have a job?

If the answer is "YES", did you know you might be eligible to earn high school credits for working?

For every 180 hours of paid work experience, you can earn .5 credits IF you've taken a class that links your course work with the work outside the classroom. It's worth looking into!

Come to the College and Career Center to fill out an "Application for Work Credit" or print out the application below, fill it out and return it to me in person or via email.


Once you have been approved for work credit you will be given a packet of information that must be completed and returned before you can start getting high school credit for your work hours.

**In other words: Work Credit hours are not retroactive. This means that we cannot starting counting your work hours towards school credits until you have filled out all the paper work completely and returned it to Mr. Craig or me.

Volunteer Opportunities

“Volunteer” might sound to you like “work for free”, but volunteering is a great opportunity to gain experience that you can add to your resume and often times it quickly opens the door to paid work experiences. The last two jobs I’ve gotten have been a result of doing volunteer work. I can almost guarantee you’ll meet lots of great people along the way and might even feel pretty good about yourself when helping others.

I'll keep you posted as things are sent my way, however you can always seek out opportunities on your own!

On to the opportunities….

Seattle Aquarium hosts a volunteer program during the school year for High School students who are interested in learning more about Marine Biology. You must be 16 years old by June 30, 2011 to qualify. There are two training sessions at the Seattle Aquarium that you must attend in order to participate in the volunteer program. The dates of the training programs are:

- Wednesday September 28th from 6-7
- Saturday October 3rd from 3-4

Call the Seattle Aquarium for more information: (206)386-4351

Pacific Science Center hosts a volunteer program for students who have a special interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (“STEM fields”). The application for this opportunity is attached to this email along with a description of the program. There is also a description of the program from Portia Lingwood at the bottom of this email. Ms. Lingwood is in charge of recruiting and hiring. She is super nice, so if you have any questions about the program give her a call.

For the application and more information about this follow the links below:


SAT and ACT Registration Information

Did you know:

You need to sign up on line more than a month in advance to take the SAT and ACT? To take the next SAT test on November 6th, you must sign up by October 8th. To take the next ACT test on December 11th, you must sign up by November 5th.

SAT registration website: collegeboard.org
ACT registration website: ACTstudent.org

Seniors: you must take the test by December in order to have the results back in time for your college applications

When you register to take the test you will be asked for your "high school code", you can search for it on the registration site or write this down -

Highline High School Code: 481090

Paying: Be ready with a test fee waiver code or a credit card.

Test Fee Waiver: You may be eligible for a test fee waiver. This is based on your family's income or if you are in any special programing, such as AVID. All AVID students are eligible for test fee waivers. Go to the guidance office to fill out the form.

Up Coming SAT and ACT Test Dates and Registration Deadlines:

SAT Test Date/Registration Deadline
November 6/October 8
December 4/November 5
January 22/December 23
March 12/February 11
May 7/April 8
June 4/May 6

ACT Test Date/Registration Deadline
December 11/November 5th
February 12/January 7
April 9/March 4
June 11/May 6

College Visits

College Visits
This is the time of year when LOTS of colleges will be coming to visit US at Highline High School. This is a great opportunity to learn more about specific colleges, as well as about the admissions process, financial aid and college life. Read below to find out how to participate:

How does this work?

- A representative from the admissions office come to our school to talk to you and answer your questions about the college they represent
- College visits are about an hour long and are scheduled at various times over the course of the school day.
- College visits are open to all students in 9th-12th grade.
- To attend, you will need to stop into the College and Career Center to sign up and receive a pass to leave class. You can only leave class with permission from your teacher.
- If for some reason you miss a college visit that you really, really REALLY wanted to come to....it's ok, I'll have lots of information in the College and Career Center and can put you in contact with the admissions department at that school.

Who's coming when?

Check out the calendar posted below to get an idea of who's coming when. Keep in mind that it is still being up dated, so check back often. Here's a quick list of upcoming visitors:

Next week:

Wednesday, Sept 29th: The University of Washington @ 8:45

Coming up:
Thursday, October 7: UW-Tacoma @9:00
Monday, October 11: Pacific Lutheran University @7:30
Tuesday, October 12: Bellevue College @ 12:40
Thursday, October 14: Pacific University @ 11:00
Friday, October 15: Washington State University @ 10:30
Monday, October 18: Trinity Western University @ 9:00
Monday, October 18: Western Washington University @ 12:40
Tuesday, October 19" Highline Commuity College @ 11:00
Wednesday, October 20: Central Washington University @ 11:00
Wednesday, October 20: Seattle Pacific University @ 12:40
Thursday, October 21: South Seattle Community College @ 7:30
Friday, October 22: Gonzaga University @ 8:00
Monday, October 23: Eastern Washington University @ 9:00
Wednesday, October 27: UW-Bothell @ 9:30
Wednesday, October 27: Cornish College of the Arts @ 12:40
Thursday, October 28: Linfield College at 8:00

Come to the College and Career Center to sign up for any of these visits!